All of life is made up from the way our mind perceives situations, and the choices we make in regards to those perceptions.
We can make choices from a place of perception rooted in fear, worry, and stress or we can make choices from a place of perception of strength, love, hope, and faith; Essentially either viewing the world as against us, or as for us.
As discussed in my previous blog post I stated that God created us with free-will, so that in the end we can choose to love and honour Him, or not, along with thus effecting the rest of what our life is made up to look like.
You could essentially say this world is our training ground to learn to evolve through managing our wide range of emotions, and eventually learning how to make the choices needed to walk the healthiest, most loving path, with God. This is all easier said than done though.
In this blog post, I will be discussing the brain science behind our perceptions and choices, as well as strategies to assist in making the healthiest, most loving choices even during times of stress and adversity.
Let’s start with the science of our choices:
In studying one’s brain the premise is basically
“the nerves that fire together, wire together”.
If you are constantly thinking the same thoughts those will be the ones that become ingrained in your brain, and will end up being where most of your choices stem from.
It’s like walking in a field of snow; the paths that are trodden down the most are the ones we habitually default to walking through because it’s easiest, whereas having to forge a new path is a lot more difficult … but it’s not impossible.
When we are living our lives from a place of constant fear, anxiety, depression etc. based upon past trauma, conditioning, life experience, or social beliefs, we will make choices from that place and this is where we will automatically default too even if we heal the root of the issue.
One of the biggest keys that I found to rewiring the brain, and to making smarter choices, was having a powerful why to assist in motivating me to keep healing and improving my life – that why is that God loves you no matter what, and He only desires the best for you
Historically humans have made very poor choices - Eve chose to take that fruit in the Garden of Eden, Adam chose to join her. The Israelites, despite having a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, despite being continually surrounded by God’s miracles, chose to turn away time and time again. Even David sinned multiple times, including the scenario surrounding Bathsheba in which he suffered immensely for it, though God still forgave him, and even still chose to bless him by permitting Jesus to come through his lineage! Ultimately, in every instance, God still has chosen us, time and time again. Christ chose to be crucified for us … But even though He knew it had to happen it’s not like he crucified himself … it was His closest friend who chose to betray him, and the people who chose to follow through with it ... And yet even while broken on the cross, Christ chose to forgive everyone.
Having the support, wisdom, and connection with God can greatly enhance our perception of love, forgiveness, and worthiness, as well as giving us the strength to lean on as we shift our perceptions and choices.
Take note in 2 Thessalonions 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one”.
And 1 John 5:4, "For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith".
Now you may be asking...
Why do we even face these hard times in the first place?
Why can’t God always save us?
While that’s a post for another time it is important to remember that this is our training ground afterall, and our biggest reason for being here – to learn, to strengthen, and to grow!
This is demonstrated in James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”.
So how can we choose God, particularly when we are surrounded by stress or temptation?
Below I share some of my favourite techniques:
Reading the bible or inspiring books
Worship, or Song
Burning sage
Meditating with crystals
Deep breathing meditations
Tapping (EFT)
Going for a walk
Immersing yourself in a hobby such as painting.
Reaching out to others
We have an excellent demonstration of utilizing these techniques in the Bible in Acts 16:25-39 where Paul and Silas, two disciples of Jesus, were thrown into prison. Instead of defaulting to a place of sorrow, and despair, they turned to God and began praying and singing hymns!
Ultimately, after great miraculous occurrences by God, not only were Paul and Silas released, but many others were pointed towards the grace and love of God.
Remember, no matter your choices, God always knows what is happening for you, and is always fighting for you; in
Exodus 14:14 it declares, “The Lord will fight for you, and you only have to be silent.”
And in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
I urge you to place reminders around your home of God’s love for you, as well as simple strategies to assist in shifting your thoughts when you are defaulting to old perceptions and habits.
However, while having God on your side helps, it can also be beneficial to have a complete support team.
With my 1 on 1 coaching we not only utilize Energy Healing sessions to restore and recalibrate your energetic blueprint, healing the energy behind any trauma or conditioning, but you also receive assistance and support as you start trodding down those new pathways – together, in love and in God, we ask questions, and raise awareness about why you are making those choices while your brain adjusts to your new energetic blueprint ultimately leading you to a complete, whole life of truth, connection, and power.